Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DUIK rigging tools in After Effects - Quick introduction

Here is a quick introduction to the DUIK tools for after effects that we have used on a few shows recently.

There are a lot more tutorials online for these tools google them and check them out.

Jacob used these tools on this show: This is where you can get the tools:

HR animation pre lighting work

These two have to be done in the animation file because it's being referenced to the lighting file.

1. Open the animation file for the shot. Go to Reference Editor and replace the main characters with the ones that have their extra hair removed. They can be found in the same reference folder, eg. Britney_del_hair.mb.

2. Remove key for their clothing options and change it to the one the shot is asking for.

Now you can create a lighting file.
1. Create a new scene and go to FILE>Create Reference. Select the animation file that is in the Final folder in your shot.

2. Look through the shot camera. Remove or hide anything that won't be seen.

3. Select the characters and create a new render layer from them. Select the background objects and create another render layer from them. Go to Layer Editor>Render layer>Layers>Create layer from selected.

4. Create Environment light for the shot. Go to Render Globals and change the render engine to mental ray. Go to Indirect Lighting and

After Effects - Advanced Paper Cut-out

This link includes tutorials and an example video show the possibilities for animating in a paper-cut out style, together with 3D elements. This was super helpful in getting a basic knowledge of the process and knowing where to go next.


Friday, May 30, 2014

After Effects: Paper Cut Out + Animation Basics

The guy uses illustrator + after effects in 8 quick tutorials to build 2.5d scenes, animate using only expressions, and rig up a character (with mouth shapes) in minutes.

The link below is for part 1, click the links above for more parts: